We're so alike, I could kill you and take your place in the other world. But don't worry, I'll make sure the last thing you see is your own handsome face!

This is the second time he's facing himself, looking into those unhinged eyes, that creepy smile, dodging every shot bolstered by the Emblem Bracelet he's holding. They're on shaky ground, overcome with enemies, the Fell Heir at his full power after forcing the Divine One to break the seal on the last Bracelet.

Last time he'd driven off his other self with a lucky hit, but this time the corrupted Princes and Princesses are stronger than ever. All Fogado can do is dodge, line up his shots, try to find an opening to hit with his blade, but the other him is always one step ahead.

"Your humanity's holding you back," Other Fogado murmurs. "If you just let it go and embraced the darkness within you, you might be able to beat me."

"I'm not you." Fogado nocks another arrow. "I'll never be you." Lucina's attack barely did anything, and their Engage is going to wear off soon, it's the only way he's been able to keep up with Other Fogado so far.

"Sure you're not." Other Fogado leans in close. "It's like I said. If I killed you right now I could take your place and no one would ever notice."

Lucina's power wears off, the ring's shine fading, and the next hit knocks Fogado off of his mount. Other Fogado pins him to the shaky ground, blade edging towards his neck.

"It's not like you could get rid of me that easily. I've died and come back t-"

"Astra Storm!" A series of glowing arrows pierce through the corrupted Fogado's chest, and he mutters something Fogado can't quite make out as the blade falls from his hand and his body dissolves into dust. Alcryst, merged with Lyn, rushes over and helps him stand.

"Thanks," Fogado murmurs. Alcryst picks up the shining bow that the other dropped.

"Here," he says, "you should take this." But it's too heavy and Fogado can't even draw the string, he shakes his head and offers a weak smile.

"It's yours, Alcryst."

The rest of the battle afterwards is a blur. Rafal falls, and the Divine One sends them all back home so he and the Four Winds can deal with the rest of this. The sight of their Somniel glowing with life and activity and Sommie prancing around the plaza should fill him with relief, but all he can remember is his other self's words.

If I killed you right now, I could take your place and no one would ever notice.

So many what-ifs whirl through his head, all of them leading to his own demise while his twisted reflection slipped in with the others, into the Somniel, cozying up to the Divine One and Timerra and his retainers.

To Alcryst.

What if Alcryst hadn't come along? What if he'd given Lyn's ring to someone else? What if he'd been knocked out in battle with his other self? Every now and then Fogado pinches himself, bites down on his cheek to make sure he still feels it, thinks of turning his blade on the others to make sure it still sickens him.

Time passes. Everyone's asleep, but Fogado wanders aimlessly, passing the pool, the orchard, the grotto. Sometimes he nearly goes towards the Ancient Well, but the thought of Other Fogado popping out with a knife and cutting him down with a smile keeps him away.

He doesn't realize he's tripped until a pair of arms grasps him, sets him upright. Heart nearly stopping, he turns around and sighs with relief at the sight of familiar red eyes.


"Oh-hey, Alcryst, fancy seeing you here," he says, but Alcryst isn't fooled. Without a word, he leads Fogado back to his room. Once they're safely closed in, Fogado is pulled into an embrace. Alcryst's cheek rests against his head, and Fogado sags against him. Alcryst's hand is warm and strong against his back, his scent familiar and comforting.

"I'm still me." Fogado's voice shakes. "That other me, he's gone, he can't...he won't come back, won't hurt any of you..." Alcryst's hold tightens.

"I made sure of it," he murmurs. "I'd have shot him down no matter how many times he got back up, even if Lyn's power wore off. Even if he came after me, I'd wouldn't let him live." His tone is firm, like every time Alcryst vows to protect someone. "You're safe, Fogado."

Neither of them says anything for a few minutes. They lay together on Alcryst's bed, soaking in the security of their world, knowing that their Divine Dragon is still alive and will return, that they're themselves.

When Alcryst came back after meeting his other self, he was shaken, distraught, ended up venting his spleen to Fogado about the guilt he felt for how Other Alcryst treated his brother...how he himself could have easily become that. After Father died, I was so angry, I lashed out at Princess Ivy and accused my own brother of taking her side. I could have made everything worse by dividing the army when we needed to stick together.

But Alcryst is a kind person, Fogado still can't imagine him ever being like that. Even if Other Alcryst was an egotistical creep, Fogado swears he heard him apologize to Diamant before he faded away for good. What could Other Fogado have been thinking?

"Guess I'll never know," he says aloud. Alcryst blinks.

"Never know what?"

"It's...nothing." He tries to smile. "Thanks, Alcryst. For saving me back there, and...for being here now."

Alcryst's hold relaxes a little. His other hand goes to Fogado's cheek, stroking tenderly.

"You're here for me anytime I need it I can't do any less for you."

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